The two words Jesus wept have so much meaning and impact on our lives as women. For us, it reaches the innermost wounded and damaged parts of our souls while also, lifting us to restoration and joy in Jesus Christ.
We want to start by saying Jesus wept and sister, you can too.
John 11:35 "Come and see, Lord," they replied. Jesus Wept. In case you have been living under a stone and have never heard this story before, Jesus rolled one away for His best bud after he had been dead for four days. Even in those mere moments when Jesus knew He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead--still He wept. Jesus felt the sorrow and pain that Lazarus' sisters felt. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords wept!
Naturally, as wives, we weep for our husbands when he is hurting; as mothers, we weep for our children as they navigate through their lives; and as Christians, we weep for lost souls and loved ones. We feel like as women we cry for others so easily, those that we love the most in this world get all of our tears and that is absolutely okay, we should do that! But, have you ever just sat down and cried for yourself? If not, you should. It's in those moments of grief where we try to be strong and hold in our tears. In those times of sadness, we try to make light of whatever we are feeling and suppress that emotion. In those moments of hurt and sorrow, we as women try to push it aside because we want to remain sturdy and not break. But, let us tell you right now, break. Because it is also in those moments where we find Jesus. So, have your cry, weep for whatever you're feeling. You know why?? Jesus will meet you there; He will meet you right where you are, and my goodness, we love that about Him. So, have your pity party, just make sure it's a party for two and Jesus is invited. For it's in Him and Him alone that true restoration will come.
Hold On to Jesus
The minute we take our eyes off Jesus is when we sink-- just like Simon Peter. In Matthew 27:13-33 Jesus is walking on water of all things! Simon says, "Jesus, if it's really You, tell me, come on the water." Simon Peter goes but takes his eyes off Jesus and starts to sink. Immediately, Jesus catches him!! "You of little faith why do you doubt?" The minute we take our eyes off of Jesus we start to sink. We never want to sink again! Jesus never promised a life with no pain or trials, but he did promise He'd always be there with us. Trails prove the genuineness of our faith. 1Peter 6:7
Through His Tears
Jesus wept is a reminder to be present and not to go dark on Jesus again. Because He was omnipresent in our lives even in the darkness. He wept with us in our hurt even though He knew He'd eventually bring us out of the darkness. And our blessings would be beyond anything we'd ever begin to dream could be possible. But He still wept with us. Because He loves us so much He hurts when we hurt too. So many times in our lives, we've laid in our hurt and agony, watching our tears hit the floor when all we ever had to do was look up. He was and is always there reaching His hand down to pick us up. Guess what sister, if He'll do it for us, He'll do it for you!
No matter what you are going through remember this: The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, He will take those pieces and make you new again. Have faith that God sees your tears and that His redemption is near!