Early one morning in 1986-ish, I rushed down the stairs, darted through the living room, yanked the bathroom door open, and there she was, my momma. She was wearing a light-colored sweater neatly tucked into her stone-washed, Zena blue jeans. Her light brown hair feathered back to perfection, Farrah Fawcett, who?? I remember the dainty gold necklace she wore and the little gold watch on her wrist. Her lipstick was the perfect shade of pale pink as she looked down at me, smiled, and said, "Good morning!" I remember thinking, "Wow! My momma is the most beautiful momma in the whole world!" I still think that to this day.
Even as a little girl, I knew my momma was a precious one!
Proverbs 31:10 "She is worth far more than rubies."

I have so many wonderful memories with my momma, but I'll just reminisce on a few, but just know that each one is so special to me. I remember the time I thought I wanted to cheer
(side note: I'm a singer, not a cheerleader!) and even though it wasn't my finest moment, my mom never missed a game. She taught me how to make homemade cornbread and mashed potatoes in our old farmhouse kitchen. I remember the list of chores that would be waiting for my brother and me after school almost every day. I hated that list then, but I'm oh so grateful for it now. Little did I know she was shaping me into the woman I am today.
As a little girl, I wore frilly dresses, ruffled socks, and matching bows. Especially on Easter, Sundays, and family picture days! Momma would be teasin' and sprayin' my bangs up as we were walking out the door. Cause y'all know- the bigger the hair, the closer to Jesus!
She's where I got my love for taking pictures and understanding how truly important they are. She's why I wanted to become a cosmetologist, to make others feel beautiful because that's how she always made me feel. She's the one who helped me through my first heartbreak and taught me that a little retail therapy never hurt anybody! She showed me how to pray and love others, even when they didn't deserve it because that's what Jesus does!
I am so proud to be my mother's daughter!

Wise Words from Mary Ethel
My momma has always been the best advice giver, and she can be pretty dang witty when she wants to be; I get so tickled at her sometimes. She is full of life and tough as nails.
She ain't no taller than a tobacco stick, but she'll climb you like a tree over her babies.
Her smile lights up any room, and when she speaks, you better listen up!
Proverbs 31:26 "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and teaching of kindness is on her tongue."
Here are just a few of the wise words she's always said to me:
~"Honey, you just gotta have the faith of a mustard seed."
~"Michelle, don't you go making decisions today-that you can't live with tomorrow."
~"Ain't no man gonna buy the whole cow when he's gettin' the milk for free!"
~"With friends like that, who needs enemies?"
~"I'll buy that when my rich uncle gets outta the poor house!"
~"If you wouldn't wear that in front of Jesus, then you shouldn't be wearin' it!"
~"Listen, you get what you pay for, but use a coupon!"
~"Jealousy is an ugly color that no one looks good in."
~"Just remember, they put their pants on the same way you do!"
~"If I see something I ain't seen before, I'll shoot it!"-every time have to change in front of her!

So God Made a Momma
God knew children would always need:
Someone to have their backs when they were too weak to fight-so He made a momma.
Someone to teach them how to respect others and how to earn it-so He made a momma.
Someone to love and support them all the days of their lives-so He made a momma.
Someone to kiss their boo-boos and make them all better-so He made a momma.
Someone to teach them how to do chores and cook-so God made a momma.
Someone to dry their tears and pray the hurt away-so He made a momma.
Someone to teach them about Him-so He made a momma.
Even as an adult, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother, I still need someone to truly pray for me and be there for me. Give me advice, tell me when I'm wrong, and cheer me on when I'm right. I need someone to vent to and shop with. I need someone to love me unconditionally and hold me when I cry, so God made my momma!

Proverbs 31:25 "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."
Why I Celebrate
I know every mother feels this way, but I have the best kids. They are the reason I get to celebrate this amazing and meaningful day. I don't even have the words to explain my love for them, all I know is it's infinite and fills my heart with pure joy. They make my world spin. I thank God for them every day as I'm pleading the blood over them. It's my greatest honor and blessing to be their momma. They may think they need me, but God always knew my heart needed them!

Psalm 127:3 "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him."
My Prayer for You
I pray this Mother's Day is all you want it to be and all you deserve. I pray you have someone to celebrate you as you celebrate your mom. With God's help, your mother gave you life, so make sure to give her a smile! I pray you don't take her for granted and understand that life is so precious and can slip away from us in a second. I pray that if your momma is in heaven, God comforts you and keeps you close this Mother's Day. I know a few amazing mommas up in heaven who will be remembered here on earth because they left behind a legacy that deserves to be celebrated, one of those being my sweet mother-in-law, Momma Jo. She is missed every single day and loved always, she will forever live on through her children and grandchildren.
Joann Miller/Momma Jo/Nannie

Nov. 20, 1945 - Dec. 6, 2020
Momma, I love you to the moon and back,
Your daughter,

A mothers love is second to none, my momma ( your mawmaw) was my best friend just like you and Mary. Great tribute to your momma as Mothers approaches Michelle. Love you! 🙏💖