I was leaving home the other day to go pick up my son from school. I got in my car and was instantly reminded that I needed gas; I had completely forgotten that I was too tired to stop for gas the day before. It literally said zero miles til empty. Those of you who know me won't be one bit surprised by this. I am who I am, y'all!
As I picked up my phone to call Chad, I noticed it only had one percent. "Awesome!" I yelled loudly and very sarcastically. (even though it was my own fault) I had a charger, which would do me no good if I ran out of gas, but I plugged in my phone and took my chances. At this point, I was livin' on a prayer because if I'm real honest with you, my body was on empty, too. Ya girl, would have just been hitchhiking. But, thankfully, I made it on fumes to the nearest gas station and made it to pick up my son. God was really working overtime for me that day!!
As you may know, we are building a house and nothing is going right. We've been at a standstill for three weeks, and we are stressed to no end. We are living in a garage and fresh out of space. No washer and dryer, no one has their own room, and my bed is uncomfortable. Welcome to my pitty party. Don't worry, it won't last long; I'm not one to wallow. However, I kinda want to lay in the floor and throw a temper-tantrum that would put my gran-toddler to shame, but I know that wouldn't change a thing. I just feel completely on empty some days but at least I have a roof over my head, right?
I know God's got me and truth is, I can't tell you my story without God. There's no healing without God. There's no filling without God and there's no freedom without God. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!
Matthew 11:28-Come to me all who are weary and burderned and I will give you rest.
Naomi, That You?
Everyone knows the story of Ruth. She was fiercely loyal to her mother-in-law, Naomi. But I'm not talking about Ruth today; I'm talking about Naomi. So, if you haven't read the book of Ruth, do it because it's so good! As I was reading Ruth's story a while back, I noticed something that really hit home to me, that I'd never noticed before. Naomi leaves Bethlehem, and when she returns, she wants to be called by a different name. I was like, HUH?? Why??
The name Naomi means pleasant, but as she returns home, she wants to be called Mara, which means bitter. Here's the raw truth about Naomi's situation: yes, she lost her husband and her sons, but she became so blinded by her own bitterness that she forgot about God's faithfulness and goodness. So, of course, God brought Naomi back empty, He needed her to get out of her own way, so He could fill her with Him, and that's exactly what He did!
Bitterness and self-pity oftentimes can prevent us from seeing the big picture of God's plan. It was through Ruth and her emptiness that God began to restore Naomi. He healed her broken heart and blessed her greatly.
Are you a Naomi or a Mara?? Many times in my life, I've been a Mara, but I don't want to be! I don't want to allow my weaknesses to hinder me from God's work in my life. I want to put Him in place of all the things that cause my emptiness and trust that He's already there and turning it around. Especially, in those times that it's nearly impossible for me to find any positive in the negative. Sometimes, I ain't in the mood for rainbows and sunshine..That's usually when I start getting on my own nerves! That's also when I throw up my hands and say "Just take it, God. It's yours now, I can't fight anymore.."
It's crazy of us to even think we can do it alone in the first place.. Can I get an amen?? I'm trying to work on being pleasant even when I don't feel like it and not allow bitterness to rule my life.
Just call me Naomi...for today anyway!
2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficiant for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
Soul Fillin' Station
I think it's safe to say we've all felt emotionally, physically and mentally drained, just down-right exhausted. I also think it's safe to say we've all heard the saying, "Until God opens the door, praise him in the hallway." In these times of struggle, all we can do is give it to Jesus, literally!
You feel empty?? Good!! Now, it's time for God to fill your heart and soul.
There's an old song by The Hinsons called Soul Fillin' Station. (I love some good ol' southern gospel music) The chorus goes like this:
What we need is a soul fillin' station
Full-servcie open twenty-four hours a day
Just a pumpin' that high octane super salvation
Where a heart outta gas
Can fill up for a fast get away
Be right back, I'm heading to the soul fillin' station - isn't that an amazing thought?
Joy Comes in the Morning
Psalm 30:5 Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Imagine standing right smack-dab in the middle of a tornado, with everything around you spinning at max speed and extremely high winds. But, in the center, where you are is super slow motion. You're seeing all these things that are weighing you down coming right for you. Here comes the bills, again-swoosh. There goes your crazy schedule-duck. Ahhh, here's guilt circling back around. Brace yourself, anxiety and depression are heading straight for you, full-force. Your hair is a mess, your mascara is running, the scale says you've gained five pounds because you ate your feelings. All you wanna do is just yell-STOPPPPPP!!! Friend, do just that-STOP and pray through it, just stand still. Let it spin and let God. Joy is coming!
Isaiah 40:31 But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Listen, I get it for most of us; it's second nature to put ourselves second; we run on empty and put on the show for everyone else's entertainment. I'm pretty sure it's embedded in our DNA or something. But, sometimes, you gotta stop and give yourself a minute to pray for YOU. Only we know exactly what we need from God, so why are we so hesitant to ask Him for ourselves but do it for everyone else so easily?
When you are on empty, ask Him to fill you. When your body and mind are tired, ask for strength. When you feel anxious, ask for comfort. These are things you may not talk to anyone else about, so why not talk to God about it. The tears and fears, he see's them. Have your intimate, one-on-one conversation with God- He's the best listener, He won't tell anyone else, and He won't hold it against you. And by all means, sis, give yourself some grace; Joy is coming!
Psalm 4:8 In peace will I both lay down and sleep; For you alone O'Lord make me dwell in safety"
Martha Snell Nicholson said, "God can not pour His riches into hands that are already full." Friend, God will empty our hands so He can fill them with an abundance of blessings. We just have to get outta the way and let Him work. We sure can be our own worst enemies sometimes. Believe me, this post is just as much for me as it is you but, together, let's find blessing in the stressing because-say it with me; JOY IS COMING!
Sis, I know emptiness can come quick and without warning,
just know that Jesus will always bring you joy in the morning!
Your almost full friend,