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Pickin' Wildflowers

Writer: Erica and Michelle MillerErica and Michelle Miller

Imagine running barefoot over the countryside through the most beautiful field of wildflowers. The sun beaming down on your face as you thank God for the very moment you're in! It's like a breath of fresh air or a new beginning, right? As we spend the next few minutes together, I have two questions for you to ponder. What is your favorite flower and are you like that flower? My favorite flowers are wildflowers, even though I'm not as awesome as they are, I'd like to be. I'm a work I progress, y'all!

While doing a bible study recently, the speaker brought to our attention that the church should be more like wildflowers instead of roses. This struck me as strange at first, but as the study went on she said "Wildflowers stay together while roses grow their own way." I was instantly intrigued. This comparison came as she was talking about the people of the church today. (Put a pin in that, we're coming back to it)

Wildflowers are all different shapes, sizes, and colors, yet they all grow together with one purpose, to show their beauty and resilience. Did you know that a wildflower grows all on its own with no help from anyone except, God himself? They have no cares or worries as to where their nourishment will come from, they just bloom and thrive! Hmmmm... it's almost like they have faith in their creator or something.

Luke 12:27 "Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin.

Wild about Jesus

As a church and as Christians we have a huge responsibility to come together to praise Jesus and witness to others about Him. We should love Jesus, while also loving each other.

We need to stand together in faith that our Heavenly Father will supply our every need, just like that wildflower. As Christians, we need to show others His grace in the simple, yet very powerful way that we sway with the high winds and storms of this life while staying firmly planted on the foundation of the living God and His word. We should always be willing to be planted wherever God wants us to be planted. I know that's a tough one. God will just pluck us right out of our comfort zones and place us somewhere we never thought we'd be. But, in true Fatherly fashion, He sees to it that the most amazing things come from those little seasons of discomfort. Believe me sister, if anyone knows, it's me and I'm sure you've been there, too.

Far too often we get so caught up in worrying about what OUR own personal calling is.

Ya see, here's the thing: our only calling is to follow Jesus. Jesus only ever called us to Himself. Everything else that comes after we follow Him is a blessing and a bonus. I sing, but God didn't put me on this earth to just sing His praise on Sunday mornings and call it a day! Nope!! God put me on this earth to serve and worship Him every day and to help build up His Kingdom. For the longest time I fretted so much over what MY calling was and was trying to grow MY own way, now I see how selfish that was. All I ever needed to do was follow Jesus, once I realized that was literally my calling and that it's really just that easy, He placed me exactly where I was meant to be and I'm so glad he did. Friends, let's be wild about Jesus, let's live for Him and make Him the center of everything we do. Let's follow our true calling, if we do that, I know that I know that I know, He will see us through. He is always there, He is our breath of life and fresh air.

Matthew 4:19 "Jesus called out to them,'come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!"

Head-up Buttercup

Some of my fondest memories as a child were picking wildflowers and making jewelry with them. Did y'all ever do that? Some of my sweetest moments as a mother was watching my babies do the exact same thing. Some people see weeds, but I see beauty straight from heaven. Sometimes, my husband will stop on the side of the road or a hillside and pick me a bushel of buttercups. It makes me smile every single time. I'm in love with the simplicity of that gesture and I love the fact that he took a moment of his time to stop and see God's beauty, then shared it with me.

According to my florist friend, wildflowers will live longer after they've been cut than roses will. Even after the wildflower has been cut and put in a vase, most of them will still "live" and grow towards the light. And y'all know who that light is, right? Yep, you guessed it, God!

Roses, though very beautiful, grow away from each other when put into a vase, creating their way. Roses are grown and cared for by a keeper and will die very quickly when cut if not cared for properly and they are protected by thorns. (I know I got some roses lovin' ladies reading this, they're very pretty and I definitely won't turn them away and I'm not saying roses shouldn't be your favorite flower, you do you, girl!)

God is unmoved, yet moves in our lives daily. Just like the wildflower he planted, it stays where it is, but is always moving to the breeze of a warm, sunny day. Even through the storm, the wildflowers know that God is their protection and that storm will soon pass. I think that is so comforting and it's just one more of life's simple pleasures that God blessed us with.

Listen, go be God's little wildflower, y'all! Bring peace and harmony wherever you go. Grow in the church and community God has planted you in, for the sole purpose of going out and spreading His word with everyone around you. Walk with a little grit, a lotta grace and all the gratitude. Take in the beautiful elegance, yet wild and untamed beauty in a field of wildflowers and while you're at it, thank the big man upstairs for it.

So, head up buttercup, whatever it is you're going through, whatever season of discomfort you may be in, you got this because God's got you. He is getting ready to make you bloom and thrive in a big way!

Go pick some wildflowers and let the sunshine in, with God on your side sister, it's a win/win!!

Wildly loving you, Michelle


1 Comment

Mar 16, 2024

I slowed down this morning to read your blog! That’s my biggest problem, well maybe not the biggest problem but one of the top runners. I don’t slow down. I’m afraid if I slow down I’ll completely curl up and wither away. Why is that? I just wanted to let you know how much your statements and cited scripture touched my heart! I criticize myself on the daily … will I be good enough, will I get everything done in time, I need to be more independent! The fact is I can’t do or be anything without Christ 🦋 The wildflowers survive simply by relying on Gods undying love and devotion to them . Thank you for sharing th…

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