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Silent Wednesday

Writer: Erica and Michelle MillerErica and Michelle Miller

I love Jesus! He is my strength, my rock, my best friend, He is my refuge-well, y'all, He's my everything. Today is Wednesday. The Bible doesn't really record what Jesus was doing on this day of Holy Week. Some say it's because He chose to spend the day privately with God, His Father - which is why they call it Silent Wednesday. No one knows for sure, maybe one day we can ask Him! This would also be the day Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. (Matthew 26:1-16) What we do know is the horrible fate that was about to take place all those years ago as Good Friday was quickly approaching. I saw a post this week that said "Jesus knew as he was hanging on that cross, there would have to be a Good Friday before there could be a Resurrection Sunday."

Even though we know what Friday brings, we also know Sunday is coming, and we already know how this story ends or, should I say, doesn't end.

I often try to wrap my head around the fact that Jesus could have come down from that cross. HE could have called angels down to release Him from the terrible death He was about to endure. HE could have very easily come down from that cross to be released the pain and agony He suffered. But, He didn't. Roman guards were ordered to stand at the foot of Jesus' cross to keep watch. They were placed there to humiliate Him. Those guards were in place to torture Jesus and to mock Him. They were there to TRY to prove that Jesus wasn't the son of God-if He was, then why didn't he just come down? Well, they didn't know Jesus, like we know Jesus! Jesus shed His blood for you and me. He took the cross for our sin! My sins should have required me to be crucified, but here I am, living a life that I don't deserve because Jesus paid my ransom. He paid it all so that we could live. That reaches far beyond any other love I've ever known. I mean, just sit and ponder that for a minute- who else could ever love you that much?? I'll tell ya who-NO ONE!!

See, here's the thing: Jesus wasn't just any man. Jesus isn't just anyones son. Jesus IS the son of God. Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus is the risen Savior. Jesus is the redeemer. Jesus is the Lord of my life and friend, I pray He is yours, too.

Jesus Won

Friday, Day 1- We know Jesus died on a rugged cross on Good Friday. He was wrapped in linen cloth and placed in a tomb with a stone rolled over the entrance. Y'all at this moment, Satan thought he won.

Saturday, Day 2- Nothing! I can't even begin to imagine the tears Mary must have cried as she grieved the loss of her son, Jesus. At this point, all of hell is rejoicing. Still, thinking they've actually had a victory over God!

Sunday, Day 3- Y'all, DAY THREE! Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb where Jesus lay (or at least she thought) Do you know what she saw?? That stone rolled away, and Jesus was nowhere to be found. Now, at this point, she's in tears and frantic because she's thinking they've moved His body. I wonder if she suspected the good news she was about to hear. I wonder if she thought about the fact that death lost, satan lost, hell lost, and that within the next few minutes, she's about to realize that JESUS WON!!!

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to Scriptures, and that He was raised again on the third day according to scriptures.

I'm a visual learner and thinker, so as I visualize this very moment it has me overcome with emotion. As Mary turns to who she thinks is the gardener, she says "Sir, if you've carried Him away, tell me where you put Him, and I will go get Him."(John 20:11,15) But, that was no gardener, y'all, that was Jesus! Just imagine the moment it hits her that Jesus, the son of the living God, is standing before her. The moment He says her name "Mary", she instantly knows it's Him. Me-oh-my!! The feeling of pure happiness, joy, relief, and peace that must have just radiated off of Him and onto her-kinda like how we feel when Jesus shows up in our lives to offer us the kind of comfort that only He can give! I hope it gives you much delight this morning to know that he knows your name, too, you just have to listen for His voice!

He is Risen

So, I said all that to say this: He is risen!!! As Easter Sunday rolls around, please keep in mind that the bunny and the eggs have nothing to do with the real reason we celebrate that day. We celebrate because HE gave us a reason to. We celebrate because Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave! Jesus didn't fail you then and He won't fail you now, I promise! If you aren't saved, I pray that you visit not only a church this Easter, but visit the altar as well. My risen Savior wants to be your savior, too!

Luke 24:34 "The Lord is risen indeed!"

This Good Friday my sister will be making a blog post that will without a doubt hit you straight in your heart. I encourage everyone to be on the lookout for it and take time to read it. We want you to know our Jesus!!

It's Silent Wednesday, but Resurrection Sunday is coming!!

Remember y'all, no bunny loves you like Jesus,


1 Comment

Chad Miller
Chad Miller
Mar 27, 2024

Wow, this is powerful. Nobody ever things of Silent Wednesday. You painted a perfect picture of Mary and tomb. I needed this today. Thank you for your amazing words of wisdom!

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