Three hundred forty-eight. That's how many acres the farm was that I grew up on. Complete with three ponds, a huge creek, multiple barns, and a big farmhouse. The house was so old we don't even know when the original part of it was built. Just give me a few minutes to paint a picture for you. That old three-story farmhouse had four beautiful fireplaces and gorgeous views from every window. The first level was a basement with many rooms, but just to name a few it had a full bathroom, a canning room, and a parlor- in the old days (way before my time) the men would go down there to smoke and do whatever men did in parlors back then.
That house saw lots of births, weddings, funerals, and even baptisms in the pond closest to the house. So, my guess is that's why the parlor existed there. Anyway, back to painting my picture! The second level was the main part of the house with a full bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, two living rooms, and a bedroom. The third level was where my little brother and I had our bedrooms. I should also add that there was a separate staircase that led to a whole section of the house that we never used. (Yes, it was very creepy up there!) lol
As I sit here typing this blog post that is so dear to me, I constantly keep looking up at an old painting of that house, as tears stream down my face. That painting will always have a special place in my home. The memories came rushing back like a wave that I wasn't prepared for. If I'm honest, it's a wave that I can either ride out or allow it to suck me under. So, many memories in that house and on that farm. A favorite of mine is the time my little brother and I got new bikes. We rode up and down that mile-long driveway for hours at a time, stopping at every little curve pretending it was a stoplight while making the noise
"ti-to-ti-to-ti-to" like our bikes had turn signals. We had some good times, he was my bestie back then.
Every Christmas and birthday in that house was so simple, yet, so wonderful. We had youth group meetings there and tons of slumber parties, which are all memories I'll never forget. Horses, cattle, our dog, Bounty, and even some peacocks were just a few of the animals we had running around there over the years. We had a satellite dish that I promise you, was as big as a flying saucer and an above-ground pool that everyone was welcome to come swim in. I was blessed with the most amazing childhood, not just because of my family but because of that house and all that came with it.
Times were so much simpler back then. The days seemed longer with nights filled with the sounds of country living. I remember Momma cooking in the kitchen and Daddy fishing at the pond. I remember my brother playing basketball and walking up that long driveway to the school bus with him every morning. I even remember the smell of running barefoot through the tobacco barn. Simplicity...Oh, how my nostalgic heart longs for that every day. My memories of all those years in that house are planted as deep in my heart as the roots were in that old oak tree in the front yard. I would venture to say that our old place was literal heaven on earth, it was home!
My Father's House
A few years ago that farm was sold to a local college and just a few months ago, we watched as they tore down a lifetime of memories in just a matter of days. Now, there is not a trace of that old farmhouse or the barns. It sure did hurt my heart to see it go, but ya know what? That house along with any other house I've ever lived in, was never my permanent home. The things of this life are only temporary.
Can I tell y'all what makes me so giddy and what actually lifted my spirits as I watched that old house crumble to the ground? My Heavenly Father's house! In a recent bible study, which I'm finding that I refer to quite often, the question was asked "What do you think God is doing right now, besides the obvious things of listening to your prayers, walking with you daily, and loving you" she then asked, "What if he is building your room right now at this very moment, in His house?" I instantly teared up at the thought of running through heaven's gates and being welcomed by Jesus as he showed me to my room.
Our Father's house is a house with many rooms, it's a house that can never be torn down, it's a house that can never be bought. It's a house with value far too great to even try to comprehend this side of heaven. I imagine the calmness and security we will feel the very second we walk into heaven as all the worries and anxieties of this world literally melts away.
Y'all know that the homes we have here on earth will suffer greatly in comparison to what God has in store for us, even my old farmhouse.
John 14:2 In my Father's house are many dwellings; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you.
In our Father's house, there will be a room for you and a room for me, and if that doesn't get you excited, in the words of a few pastors I've heard in my life "your woods wet!" It gives me so much hope and excitement when I think about God, the maker of the universe, the creator of all things, taking time to build lil' ol' me a room. He thinks we are worth it, He wants to share His heavenly mansion with us, that is home!
An Unclean Home
Sister, let me tell you something: God wants to build your room so you can live with Him for all of eternity. For now, He just wants to live inside your heart. Roll out your welcome mat and invite Jesus in, you don't even have to clean up beforehand! God will meet us where we are. Even in those dirty messes we've created for ourselves, He will dust us off and make us clean again. He will come into your unclean heart and wash it white as snow because wherever HE lives, is always pure and clean. He makes all things new again. That just gave me chillsssss!! God is so good, y'all!
Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near the brokenhearted
Pray over your home, pray for shalom to enter and never leave. I find so much comfort in knowing that God is with me everywhere I go, but to know He's with me in my home just as much on the unclean days as he is on the clean days, just makes me want to hug Him and my goodness, I wish I could! I truly don't understand how people live without Him. I couldn't make it a single minute and I'm not ashamed to admit it!!
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, it's builders labor in vain.
Alter Call
Ya know, for many years I called that old farmhouse the house that built me, but it didn't-God built me!! He's the one who made me who I am today, not that house! It's because of Him that I am loved, accepted, saved, and heaven-bound. It's because of Him I was even able to make all of these memories in that house with my loved ones. It was always HIM and it's still HIM!
If you're still here then that means I really have your attention and I just have one more thing to say before I close:
Consider this a little alter call if you will. If you're not saved, the second you finish reading this, I want you to close your eyes and bow your head. You don't need fancy words or anything of the sort, all you have to do is ask God to forgive you of all your sins and allow him to move in and take over your life. It's that simple, friend. Scripture declares in
Micah 8:17 that He will cast our sins into the depths of the sea. Once you give it to Him, it's gone forever. He is a merciful God!! Today, wherever you are, and at this very minute you can be forgiven and redeemed. YOU ARE wanted and chosen by a Heavenly Father who understands our tears without us even saying a word. He gets you because He created you! I'm praying for every single person reading this to surrender their lives to Jesus. I want us to live together in God's house, maybe we will have rooms side by side and be neighbors!
I know that God has knocked on your heart's door time and time again, He's just waiting for you to open up and let Him in.
Your hopeful heavenly neighbor,