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The King of the World

Writer: Erica and Michelle MillerErica and Michelle Miller

Updated: Nov 4, 2024

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

They're sticky, taboo subjects and are some that most people avoid discussing, but let's talk about it anyway..

RELIGION > POLITICS - A double whammy!!!

We have the big election coming up and unless you live under a rock, you've seen the signs, the advertisements and the division. It's literally everywhere we look! The state of our world is in a really sad place right now. I will go out on limb and say it's not just the president or the election-it's the people in the world. (YOU AND ME)

Here's the thing, we have the right to vote and live life however we choose-that's a fact. Just like we have free will to follow Christ or not. God gives you the choice to follow Him or the world-you absolutely CAN NOT do both. His words, not mine!! We the people can and should bring God back into our homes, schools and lives. I say that boldly because I feel with my whole chest and all that I am that God is literally the answer for everything. What if Kamala gets elected? God's got it. What if Trump gets elected? God's got it! What if the sky starts falling - God's got it! He is my solution to every single problem-period.

I feel very strongly about my morals, values and bibical beliefs, I'm very open about that with anyone, with that said-I don't hate you if yours are different than mine. I can't claim to be a Christian and allow hatred or animosity to enter into my heart because of who you vote for. That is between you and God! We are called to pray for one another and to be a light in a very dark world. We are called to share the goodness of God and to worship HIM-not a president or a political party.

With that said, IF you are a Christian now is your time to speak up. Jesus will come back for His people and it's probably sooner than we think. It's time we armor up, stand up and be prayed up. Pray for wisdom and knowledge before you study - ask God to reveal to you the rights and wrongs of this world and in your own life. Remove all the noise and chatter of others and listen to what He has to say. Because at the end of the day His word and direction is all that matters.

Proverbs 9:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight."

We have to wake up y'all.. Jesus is calling!


Our worship leader said something in church yesterday and I sure needed to hear it-she said "Regardless of what happens on Tuesday, my God is still the same on Wednesday!" Facts y'all-straight facts!

He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords- HE IS THE KING OF THE WORLD!! They can't make Him go away. They can't pray Him away, they can't take Him away, they can't mock Him away-He's here to stay y'all! Take comfort in that, I do!

What the world can try to do though is influence YOU!! Don't let that happen. If you're a child of God then STAND! If you're adopted into God's kingdom then STAND! If you're really, whole-heartedly a Jesus lover and follower then STAND! Now is your time to STAND on the word of God and STAND up for what you believe in.

The only influence I want to have over my life is Jesus Christ-the one and only perfect person to ever walk this earth.

In a world where anything goes, go to Jesus!

Dry Bones

When I look around at our world today, I'm reminded of Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones. Y'all ever read that story in the Bible? If not, you should. Let's do a quick rundown..

In Ezekiel 37:1-14, God takes Ezekiel to a valley filled with dried up human bones and commands him to tell them to come to life. The bones start to come together, they grow flesh and are covered with skin, but they are still lifeless. Y'ALL, it wasn't until God breathes life into the bones that they truly start to live and STAND up as a vast army.

Are y'all picking up what I'm laying down?? Hear me out...When I look around, I see so many people slaved to their phones, jobs or their own selfish needs. I see zombie like people wondering around amously, easily influenced by evil and going with the flow of the world. God's people are supposed to do the complete opposite of that. We should be telling the good news of Jesus' love and mercy, we should be leading people to Christ.

People are starving for the truth, they're craving Gods love. They're wanting change and hope for the future. People don't realzie that all they're missing is Jesus and He is so easy to reach!! We all need Jesus!

Friend, let God breathe HIS breath of life onto you. Stop wondering around with no direction. Stop going with the flow. Stop walking around lifeless just waiting for the world to suck you in. Find your strength in God and STAND!!! Don't just stand, stand firmly and boldy with God and His word as your foundation.

Psalm 127:3 "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him."

I'll just leave this right here... I STAND on my beliefs and will never waiver regardless of the situation or circumstance.

We are more than a politcal party, we are more than Americans - Yes, those are things to be proud of and passionate about (and we should be), but who are you really??? I will tell you who I am.. I'm a child of God, I am saved and redeemed! I'm an imperfect person, loved by a perfect God. I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM! If your wood is wet and your bones are dry, I pray right now that God breathes onto you and gives you new life and new meaning. I pray He gives you new eyes to see things for what they really are. I pray He gives you compassion for life and blesses you beyond measure.

I Speak Jesus

I speak Jesus over November 5, 2024. I pray His will be done. I speak Jesus over both parties. I speak Jesus over you as you cast your vote. I speak Jesus over every location of every single poll booth. I speak Jesus over your life, friend. Pray as you walk in to vote because your vote matters and you matter-BUT, Jesus matters more!

I'm no longer a "you do you" kinda girl... I'm a "let's do what Jesus says" kinda girl and nothing or no one will ever change that. I will always stand up for God and His word. As I'm coming to a close let me ask you this.. Why are you voting for the person you're voting for?? I pray that before you cast your vote you pray and let God speak to you! I truly believe that we have to intercede on behalf of our elected officials. We should be praying for people of good influence who can help guide the nation and for them to do it wisely.

Truth is: Trump or Harris can't save us-only God can do that. God has, does and will always have the final say because no matter who is in office, HE is still on the throne!

Daniel 2:20-21

20- "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are His."

21- He changes times and seasons; He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.

Thank you for this little chat and just remember Jesus loves you-nothing trumps that!

Always Praying and Jesus 2024!!




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