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This Little Light of Mine

Writer: Erica and Michelle MillerErica and Michelle Miller

Updated: May 30, 2024

Good morning, sisters! I'd like to start by saying I hope you're having a super blessed day so far and that God woke you up ready to face whatever this day throws your way. I've really been praying on what to make my first official blog post about and I feel God has given me the perfect thing and I pray it will help someone out there reading this. It's a tough one but, just hang in there with me because I promise there's light at the end of the tunnel-God's light!

A few days ago as I was praying over a situation I was going through where I feel I have been wronged, I felt God say "Be the light." I kind of giggled a little bit because "being the light" requires a lot of us and let's just face it, it's so hard sometimes. But, with Jesus, we can do anything, even be the light for someone else that is in a dark place. Being the light means taking the high road and not just once or twice but, every single time. Being the light means we forgive even though that forgiveness was never asked for by the person who hurt us. Being the light means we have to stop and ask ourselves what would Jesus do in this situation. Well, I think we all know how Jesus would handle it and if you don't know, allow me to enlighten you. He'd handle it with love, but not just plain ol' love. He'd handle it with AGAPE LOVE! The kind of love that requires us to be selfless in all situations. The kind of love that's not just an emotion, but a conscious act. The kind of love that shows empathy for that person that hurt you. The kind of love that extends help and good intentions to everyone and YES, even to the person that hurt you. The kind of love that sets us apart from the world because we are daughters of the most high King.

Not Today Satan

Even at the age of 43, I still wear my heart on my sleeve and tend to get my feelings hurt very easily. I often remind myself of this when someone has hurt me. I'll say things like "Maybe I'm making this something it's not" or "I'm sure they didn't mean that the way I took it." Cue self-gaslighting (lol) You'd think after all the hurt I've experienced in my lifetime I'd be a little more thick-skinned, well, I'm not! God just didn't wire me that way. I love hard, I love my people endlessly, and expect the same from them. But, you know what? Some people just don't love the same way we do and that's okay but, it's also a very harsh reality. When you feel you've put your whole heart and soul into something or someone and it's not returned to you, that cuts deep. I'm actually pretty quick to forgive. To me, the heaviest thing in this world to carry around is a grudge. It will literally weigh you down. It will eat you up from the inside out. Now, I'm not saying I don't ever get mad or angry, I most definitely do! Sometimes, God is like Girl, turn that cheek. He will remind me of that over and over and over again because I'm not the perfect Christian, wife, mom, daughter, friend, or person. No one is! Believe me, I've been the person to carry that heavy grudge, it's no fun and will 100% steal your joy. DO NOT LET IT! Just say, not today Satan and give it to God, it's the only way to make it through the ways of this world and some of the people in it.

Matthew 5:38-39 "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth.' But, I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to let them slap the other also. So, what Jesus is saying is that he rejects revenge and retaliation, he's telling us to walk away. But, doesn't our flesh want to just fire right back at the person hurting us? Don't we just want to call out all of their sins and remind them of how imperfect they are? Welp, that is not our job, ladies. We are required by God as his children to turn the other cheek, forgive and leave the rest to him and repeatedly keep doing just that.

Matthew 18:21-35 Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I'll tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven." I'm sure y'all have heard the phrase "I'll forgive, but never forget." Jesus knows we are human, He knows we are flawed, He also knows the "never forget" part of that phrase rings true. So, he is telling us to keep forgiving, every time that wrongdoing pops back up in our head, forgive it again and again. God doesn't just want half of us, he wants all of us. To truly walk the walk and talk the talk for God, we must be able to forgive. Listen, I know it ain't easy and so does He. Yet, He still expects that of us, He does it for you and me time and time again. I'm so glad that he's a God of love and mercy. I'm so glad I serve a God who doesn't keep a record of all my mistakes. Once we ask for forgiveness, it's done and that mistake is gone forever. What if we all would strive to be more like Him? I wonder how many relationships and friendships would truly stand the test of time or even be restored... That sure is something to think about, ain't it?

Loving and Forgiving Intentionally

As I said before, I feel that I am pretty easy to let things roll off my back and tend to be a pretty positive person for the most part. However, I gotta say the one thing that makes me more angry than almost anything else is intensional hurt. OUCH! That premeditated hurt is a whole new level of betrayal. You know, when someone has been watching your every move and planning their next ploy to purposely hurt you? That my friend, is a hard pill to swallow. Those people who love to see you in the trenches, they love to see you hurting. Those people that will say and do things to cut you straight to your core just to see you cry. The people that don't support you just because you're you. Those are the ones that take that hurt to different heights. Those are the ones I wake up every day and armor up for. Those are the people that make me wanna flip a table. But, on the flip side of that table, they're also the ones that crave that agape love because their feelings towards you only reflects their own inner demons. Those are the people that God doesn't expect us to be door mats for but also expects us to pray for. Those are the people that He will remove from our circles, and teach us how to love and pray for them at a distance. Those are the people that need our forgiveness the most. I've learned some tough lessons over the years, not just about those types of people but about myself as well. Y'all I'm so far from perfect. I know I've hurt people in the past and I'm sure there were times I hurt people unintentionally who truly thought it was intentional, it wasn't. It grieves my soul if I think I've hurt someone. I love my circle of family and friends, God has truly blessed me. For the rest of my days on this earth, I will love them intentionally. I will be intentional in every relationship and friendship. I will always love them with all that I am and will always intentionally show up for them. Do you know why? Not just because I've been that hurt girl that needed someone intentional but, because my Jesus showed me what true love is. My Jesus showed me what true friendship is. When I was at my lowest He lifted me up, intentionally. When I was in my darkness, He was my light and it's because of His light that I can let mine shine.

Let God be Your Light

Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-whom shall I be afraid?

John 1:5 God is light.

So, as I'm coming to the end of this post I want to say this to you. Girl, lift your head up. That shame that someone else is making you feel, it ain't for you. That guilt that someone else is making you carry, it ain't for you. That past that someone is judging you for, it ain't for you. Hit your knees and give it all to God. He wants you, flaws and all. He's ready to accept you with open arms, no payment necessary, it's already been paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. You may feel like you'll never make it out of your dark tunnel, but I've got good news-God is there waiting for you. He is and always will be the light in our darkness. Don't you dare keep carrying that grudge, forgive, and move on. No need to tell your side, no need to retaliate, God saw it all and he'll work it out for your good. GIVE IT TO HIM AND again, don't pick it back up, but, if you do forgive it and move on again! After all, forgiveness is more for you than it is the person you're forgiving.

So, my sweet sisters, may God continue to give you bright blessings, and love and always, always, always let your little light shine.

Loving you intentionally, Michelle


Mar 12, 2024

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Since I’ve known you which most of your life lol you have always been this person and I love you and your family dearly! My heart feels lighter thanks to you


Mar 12, 2024

What an inspiration thank you for this God is our light at the end of the tunnel.


Chad Miller
Chad Miller
Mar 11, 2024

This is so Good! You have amazing god given talent to write his words! This has blessed my day. Thank you for all you do for gods kingdom!


Mar 08, 2024

You are so right on so many levels Michelle. Premeditated hurt is the worst. You just have to give it to God, stand and be silent.

It’s just not worth your inner peace. The greatest feeling in the world is letting go and letting God have it.

He hears conversations we don’t after all.

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