"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for not being myself lately." That's what I feel I need to tell everyone around me. Somewhere between life and livin' it, I can lose myself at times. Y'all ever feel that way? I even find myself apologizing to God, even though I know he's going to love me through it. There's been times I've prayed for things and He answers, but not the way I think He should. It's like praying for the rain and then getting upset because it's raining.
Isaiah 45:8 "You heavens above, rain down my righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring it up, let righteousness flourish with it; I, the Lord, have created it.
Sometimes, I wonder if He just wants to start from scratch with me, but then I'm reminded that the rain and gloominess He's brought me through has made me the warrior for Christ that I am today.
Every morning, I wake up thanking God for a new day, and a lot of times, in the very next breath I'm asking Him to remove some hurdle in my life. I'm asking Him to take away the sickness, take away the worries, take away the hurt. Remove whatever it is standing in my way on that particular day that is preventing me from doing whatever it is that I need to do. Can He remove it? You better believe it!! That's never been the question. I think the question is-Will He remove it?
Stick with me here...
For two days all I've done is cry silently and for two days, God has dried every tear. I know He will continue to do that. Walking through my living room just minutes before typing I fell to my knees and let out the most gut-wrenching cry I've ever heard myself make. I actually had to look around to make sure that came from me, and it, in fact, did. But, I could feel God's comfort around me, He gave me strength to stand up and gave me the words to say to you.
I know He's with me... It's just starting to rain.
It Pours
Living in the world we live in now-a-days ain't for the weak, y'all. I've said it before and I'll say it again- just in case you missed it-I do not see how people today survive and live without Jesus Christ. He is literally my hope and my portion. He is enough! He's my automatic go-to when my life gets crazy and even when my life is smooth sailing. He's there for it all and I do not or will not have it any other way.
When the sky just opens up and pours down on me, Jesus is my umbrella, my shelter and my protection. He covers me and He does that for you, too. He makes a way when we are lost and He is our beacon in the storm.
Exodus 14:13 Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.
What you need to remember is that God didn't remove the Red Sea; he parted it and paved a way through it—huge difference there. He doesn't always remove our problems, but He will always make a way through them. He won't always stop the rain, but that umbrella of God's grace provides us with a way to stand in the midst of that downpour and not get drenched.
So, if you're like me and facing your Red Sea moment, just remember that He won't let us drown, He will see you through, friend! Stand firm on HIM and you will see deliverance!
I'm not sure how He'll do it, and I'm not even sure when He'll do it. All I know is that He will do it, one way or another!
His Plan
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you." declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
When it rains, it pours. But, my sweet friend, God has a plan. His plan may not be clear in that moment, but take a brief look back on your life, it won't take you long to see how far He's bought you and all the things he's rescued you from. Sometimes, that plan isn't revealed for many years down the road, but His plan is so much better than anything we could ever have for ourselves and is well worth the wait. It's when we try to play God and think we're in control that we make a whole, big mess of things. We gotta let go and let God, trust His plan and His process.
Have y'all ever heard the saying " Wanna make God laugh, tell Him your plans" ? I think of this often. Once I think I have it all figured out, God shows me that my life and what happens in it is really out of my hands and is in His!
My Purpose
Romans 8:28 And we know for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.
His plan is my purpose-period. He created us all with purpose and intention. Each trial we face, no matter how great or small, He is greater. He is sharpening us for bigger and better things. He is greater than all the highs and lows in this life. And I don't know about you but, I wanna be better, I wanna do better. I want to be whatever God wants me to be and do whatever God wants me to do. Regardless of how tough it is, how hard it's raining or how uncomfortable it may make me. I'll live for Him, and I'll worship Him forever.
So, even when it rains, I'll praise Him. Even when it pours, I'll worship Him. Even when I don't see His plan, I'll serve Him. Because He is worthy of it all!
The sun will shine again and God will bring you through
Until then, there's room under His umbrella for me and for you.
Always playin' in the rain,