This past Saturday morning, Chad (being the morning person he is) came into our room and said, "Come on, little momma, it's time to get to work!" I'm sorry, what?? It's Saturday! I said with a little bit of sass because, well, that's how I am in the mornings and in the afternoon—and come to think of it, that's me all the time. Poor Chad, I'm sure glad he loves me!
Anyway, we are building a house on our farm, and it really needed to be swept and cleaned up to get ready for the next phase. The instant I walked in, I wanted to turn around and walk right back out because of the mess. But, I knew Chad wasn't gonna let me off the hook that easily. So, we both get our brooms and start sweeping the shell of the house that we will soon call home. For hours, we worked in a massive, thick cloud of dust-it was everywhere. Including my nose, my hair, and my clothes.
But let me tell y'all what happened when the dust settled: we danced together in what will soon be our kitchen. We laughed and talked about all the memories we would hopefully make with our babies around the kitchen table. I was reminded that no matter what storm we face, when the dust settles, God will always give us something to smile about. For Chad and I at that moment, it was the simple fact that we had each other. It also sparked some excitement about our new home, which we'd almost lost due to the headache and trials of building a house. (If you know, you know)
The Rollercoaster
Life is hard and we're all going through it. Some people have problems that make mine look so very small, I see that and know how blessed I am. I also know that can change in the blink of an eye. With that said, God doesn't rate our problems on some big life-sized scale up in heaven. He is there for us in ALL things. Friends, y'all need to know this right now: If it matters to us, big or small, it matters to Him.
Life is often compared to a rollercoaster. I don't know about you, but I feel that in my soul. All the twists and turns. Ups and downs. Honestly, it can make us dizzy and off-kilter, which is exactly what the devil wants. That rollercoaster can make us feel anxious and weary. Maybe you've even felt forgotten by God, which is never the case. There are also times we have no choice but to ride that rollercoaster all the way to the end, through the rain and high wind. Through the loops and the sudden drops. Maybe we should just throw our hands up and worship to the top of our lungs because we know the Holy Spirit is with us, He's bringing the peace and there isn't one thing Satan can do about it!
Girl, your storm ain't got nothin' over on God. He already saw it coming and went before you as your protector. In case you are unaware, Jesus has calmed a few storms in His day. Even the waves must obey His command so, don't you think for one minute He won't calm your storm sis, He'd love nothing more!
Matthew 8:27 But the men marveled, saying What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!
The Promise
It's so easy to let the ways of this life take you down. I've been there and done that, but listen, I promise there is hope; I promise you're gonna be okay. I promise you're gonna make it! That's not just my promise, that is God's promise to you! In a world where people come and go, I promise-He won't leave you! His grace is sufficient enough for us all and it's right there in our grasp.
He never promised walking this road would be easy, but I'll tell ya what He did promise: Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; he will NEVER leave you nor FORSAKE you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. You have to believe that, I know I sure do-with my whole heart!
This is a messy world plum-full of broken promises and lies. It's full of hurt and hatred. It's full of sickness and sadness. And at some point or another everyone will go through these things. It's inevitable! Regardless of what social media is telling you, no one lives a perfect life, perfection is completely impossible for us. However, there is truth and hope in the perfection of the one true living God. Stop putting your faith into a broken world and put it in Jesus. He's never lost and He never will, I promise!!
This Too Shall Pass
Friend, I know you're going through a battle right now. Whether it's a battle of anxiety, fear, grief, sadness-what ever it is you're fighting, please know that you're not fighting it alone. Our Heavenly Father see's all of our tears, not a one of our tears escapes Him. Don't be afraid to feel your feelings, it's okay to cry. We are human, and honey, I cry enough for all of us, but just remember that God has delivered you before, and he'll do it again!
Psalm 34:4 "I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears."
It's when you are in the trenches that the ol' devil thinks he can sink his claws into you! That's when you are standing at a cross road and there's only one of two ways you can go. You can let the devil have you, which will only bring more pain or you can stand firm on God's word and cling to Him. A bad day or situation doesn't mean a bad life! It just means you're in the valley for a moment. The devil wants to keep you there, don't let him!! RISE UP!!
John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world."
When the dust settles, you'll see what God brought you through and you'll be so glad you made the decision to follow Him! Truth is, we will always be a little dusty, that's life. We will never be a spotless mother, person, or Christian. But, I know a spotless and perfect man who will wash you white as snow, dust you off, and set you back on the road to redemption. That man is Jesus and His love for you surpasses anything you're going through right now.
So, while you're waiting for the dust to settle-worship through it. While you're waiting for the storm to pass-dance in the rain. While you're going through that test-go ahead and claim that testimony. God will never leave you and He'll always be with ya. He is and always will be your refuge, your fortress, and in His arms you'll always be safe.
Cling to God, keep walking His narrow path and always remember Sis, this too shall pass!
Your rollercoaster ridin' friend,