Walkin' and Talkin'
I had a terrible case of writer's block this week; I had three different blog posts typed out to just delete them and start over. Finally, I texted Erica and said "I've typed out another post today and here I am deleting it again, it just ain't the one!" She said, "Go take a walk and clear your head." Well, duh, why didn't I think of that? So, off I go, walking the little trail Chad has mowed out for me on our farm. I was praying so hard but still stressing over what I was going to talk to y'all about. The minute an idea would pop into my head, it'd leave as quickly as it came, and well, honestly, I was getting a little bit discouraged. Towards the end of my first mile, I looked down and I happened to be walking through what seemed like a billion and one clovers, I mean they were everywhere! I had never noticed how many of them there were on my previous walks. As I was making my way to the chicken coop to gather my eggs, I thought hmm, I think I'm gonna see if I can find myself a four-leafed clover. My whole life I've wanted to find one, even as a kid, but alas-I never found one. I guess I always figured a little good luck never hurt anyone or does it?? I was searching as hard as my old eyes would let me for a four-leafed clover when God literally stopped me in my tracks. I promise you, as clear as I am saying this to you, He said to me "My child, do you look for your everyday blessings as hard as you're looking for that four-leafed clover right now? My works are not by happenstance or chance, my works for your life are planned, expected and deliberate. Luck is not needed when you have ME!" The tears started to flow, and I sprinted home as fast as I could to tell Chad that and we both had chills from head to toe. While Jesus and I were out there just walkin' and talkin', He gave me exactly what I needed for my blog post this week. Why did I even doubt His ability to give me the words to write, He does it every week. I know I keep saying it, but God is so good y'all!! He works in the most amazing and mysterious ways.
Matthew 11:28-30 says "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
I Don't Wish you Luck
Did you know that the word luck is not mentioned in the Bible? At least not in the way we use it today. I didn't know that until just now. I guess I never really thought about it. We use that word so loosely that it never dawned on me that God would look at it as a bad word.
Listen, y'all, this gets deep, and there is no way I can cover it all in one blog post, but I do want to touch on a few things. I always knew that luck had nothing to do with the things happening in my life-good or bad. I've always known that it was God. But, so many times, I've said things like "Good luck," or "I'm just an unlucky person, or "That's the luckiest person I know." As I said, I am using the word very loosely. After doing my research, I can't imagine how saying those things must have made God feel. He blessed me with the gift of life, and I'm over here giving luck the credit. Luck is nothing more than a random coincidence that operates either for us or against us. I'm so grateful that God doesn't operate that way; He's always there for us. Let me preface by saying picking a four-leafed clover is not a bad thing, however, picking a four-leafed clover in hopes that it'll bring you luck and good fortune is in fact a bad thing. Such things as this are completely powerless to bring us any good or any type of blessings.
I decided to look up what it means to believe in luck, and here's what I came up with. Believing in luck is basically the definition of superstition, as in a myth, a belief, or a way of behaving that is based on fear of the unknown and faith in magic.
Okay, now read that again—I'll wait......
Luck happens by chance. Luck happens by accident. Luck even has its own god-Lakshmi(aka Shri). Go down that rabbit hole if ya want, but I'm going to continue on with my point. Luck is about being in the right place at the right time. Aren't y'all so glad that no matter where we are God is purposely and deliberately there with us? Luck don't do that!
I know ignorance is bliss, right? I'm right there with ya, I had no clue. But, now that we know, what are we gonna do with this knowledge? Well, we can start by changing the way we approach people and situations where we'd normally say "good luck" to saying things like
"be blessed" or "Gods got you and this situation." It's definitely a habit I'm going to break.
Ezekiel 13:20 "Therefore his is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against your magic charms, which you ensnare people like birds and I will tear them from your arms; I will set free the people that you ensnare like birds.
Blessings upon Blessings
Let me tell ya bout blessings!! Girl, those blessings are where it's at. To start off, the simple definition of blessing is: God's favor and protection. That alone is more than enough for me. But, we can go on to say that a blessing is, in fact, a formal act of grace, an undeserved gift. Being blessed can also bring divine intervention. Divine intervention is when God becomes actively involved in a situation going on in our lives and changes the outcome according to His will-which by the way-- is always better! We don't need luck, all we need is Jesus!
When we have God in our hearts and when we pray over every situation, He will bless it. It may not always be the answer we want at the time, but it's always the answer we need and always part of his plan. Why would we ever need luck when we have the creator and upholder of all things on our side and watching over our every move? He's not there by mere chance or accident, He is there with pure intent, all-knowing and because He wants to be. He pours blessings upon blessings down on us every single day. From the breath in our lungs to the words we need to say. My God is awesome and He is always faithful. No luck is required with Him, and I love that!
Ya know, I remember a time when Chad and I were struggling in our marriage, after lots of prayer we were able to work things out. I can recall many conversations where I'd say we are so lucky to have God in the center of it, but y'all luck had nothing to do with it-we were BLESSED to have God in the center of it and we're still blessed. God and luck should never even be used in the same sentence because if you have God, you don't need luck; if you think you need luck, then you need God.
2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
I know you're probably sitting there scratching your head while reading this post. I already know this isn't going to be the most popular post or topic, but I beg of you to go do your own research. Get your bible, pray for wisdom and understanding, and watch God give it to you. He wants you to understand His word fully. I'm not saying I know all the things, but I am saying I want to learn more, soak it all up, and live it to the best of my ability. His word is the living word! I want to be intentional in my walk with Christ, and I don't want to hinder it by saying things that I truly don't understand. Our words and actions are sometimes the only bible that some people will ever see or hear, so how about let's make it count?! They need to know when they're down on their luck because their luck did and will fail them every time, we know a Man that makes the word luck look like it's completely nonexistent (cause it is). Let's use God's word to bless others and not use the words of this world to lead them astray. And don't even get me started on the words of this world, we will be here all day, that one will require quite the lengthy stay in the rabbit hole, so lets save it for another day. Remember to pray and Thank God for all your blessings, big and small. He's there for you and He will save you-no one is ever too far gone for Him. He has the perfect plan for your life, don't you wanna see what it is?
Who needs luck or a good vibe - when you can have Jesus living on the inside!
Be forever blessed my friends,
Great read Michelle! I too have said “ Good Luck” many times. From now on it will be “ Be Blessed!” It all comes from our good Father. I am so proud of you and your faith. Keep up the good work!
Love you dearly,
Aunt Tabitha.
I think everyone can relate to this. There is not a person on earth that hasn’t said someone is lucky or good luck to someone or wish they were lucky. You painted a perfect picture of luck had nothing to do with it and God gives us our blessings. I am so “lucky” I mean blessed by the hand of Jesus, I have you!! 😀 thanks again for the great words from your heart baby.